Saturday 28 December 2013

aku dan clinic


Ola has been awhile.hoyeah.

Been busy.hell yeah busy this semester with clinic and all.

Having to handle patient is not that aint wallz at all der.
Everytime I have clinic, the night before, the cuakness is overload. Practise history taking cakap sengsorang is normal among us.
prepare with facts and theories in mind.
Ahahahahaha.speechless now.
no I aint whining.
just want to share.
Seeing patients, always make me feel thankful with what I have. I too want to do something for them in any ways that I can.
its priceless.

Ok peeps

So the day after tomorrow is gonna be my clinical exam.
oh struggling der to review all the three years lecture notes.

Gotta say, among all courses available. Ours is like medic where you can always find students fail the clinic subject each semester???
Mann.I pray to Allah that my batch will pass this subject for this sem.

you see we have three component for this clinic subject.
you fail any of them, you are considered to fail all.

Yeah.scary mehh.
Hmmm.ok.betulkan niat.
do pray for me.and me friends.
may Allah bless the ilmu that we learnt.

Pray for me dear.

Its time to keep moving eyyy.
dear distractions, I dont need you.
cause you dont need me.
wassalam beb.

Ohhh gelato.kih3.

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