Saturday 9 March 2013

aku,dia dan kamu


to be honest.
i find it interesting to learn all the theories, philosophy, counselling..
cos you get to associate the knowledge with your environment.
cos you get to understand how actually people minds work in certain kind of situation.
cos you get to learn the best way to educate your child in the future.
cos you get to know the best way to approach certain kind of person.
and.bla bla bla bla
takkan nak mention semua kan? dah macam learning objective pulop.
well i assume others might find it boring, wasting of time and bla bla bla
but hey.
each people is different.
and me is not being judgemental here.
respect each others liking as long as it do not contradict to our religious teaching and morals.
how's that?
whatever it is,
i am thankful to the fact that i actually grown to like what i learn.

so, tomorrow we'll gonna have a picnic.
it's funny that i don't have any desires towards the event.
but my friends has been looking for it since the starting of this semester,
with all the plans and effort of picking the suitable date and all.
it's unfair for me to not being able to participate.
yes! thats it.
 reminder to me self.
do participate.

in this life, please do avoid extremely lack of liaison.
just because your mood hilang entah pi mana.
just because ignorance can be your best defence mechanism.
remember this.
it's not gonna work.

twenty-two years of living,
i learn many things.
one of them is that,
it's true that you'll die alone.
and it's actually true that in this world,
no matter how hard life is or vice versa,
even if you have family and friends in the circle,
at the end the one that's going to make a decision about what happens
 is you after all.
what you choose.
what you perceive.
what you do.
will determine who you are
and will be counted later.
it will never be for naught.

so, always ask Allah for guidance.
may He grants what's best for us.

i don't know if this post satisfy my rumbling thoughts and silence rants

i just felt like typing. hewhewhew.
husnudzhon for esok and days onward.

p/s: pekehal nya jiran foreigner memekak time2 gini. PMS ke??

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